Monday, 31 October 2011

Activity: Monograph on Architectural Education in India

Interested members are requested to email a short opinion piece on this topic. It does not need to be a researched article and even a 500 word paragraph will do. Please include a short biography of the author. Everyone’s write-up will then be compiled in a small publication that will be freely distributed and published on the web. Members can photocopy and circulate the document within their institutions/ among colleagues etc.

Some issues that can be addressed (among others) 
a)     Change of format from a 6month training within the 5 year course to a 1 year internship at the end of it 
b)    CoA proposal to have an additional registration process after the 5 year degree that includes written exams & interview 
c)     The need for practising architects in teaching (attached article from BD Magazine discussing the pro & con of this topic in the UK
d)      Is it necessary to have a higher degree to be able to teach architecture 
e)      The entry of foreign education institutions into India and its impact on quality, research and affordability of professional education including Architecture etc.

How you can participate 
Email your opinion piece & short (2-3line) biography on this topic to the Collegium by February 15th 2012. All inputs received by this date will be compiled and formatted into one simple publication. It is hoped that it will be ready and distribution can start by March 01, 2012. It will be freely available online – perhaps on a blog. The blog can be set up to include more opinions and issues. This collection of thoughts will be sent to the CoA, the main regulatory body for Architectural education in India. An effort will also be made to get it published in an architectural magazine. 

email: architecture.collegium (at)

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Activity: Developing a network of media contacts

All of the Architecture Collegium's activities focus on stimulating debate, and encouraging it as widely as possible – even outside the profession. It has been previously felt that the discussions that happen within the Collegium and other forums stay limited to that event or meeting. It is extremely important to ensure that this is no longer the case. The Collegium hopes to disseminate all of its presentations, articles & debates widely through both word of mouth and media. It is necessary to build up a network of contacts in print and other media who can help with this.

How you can participate 
a)      If you have any contacts within the media, please (with their consent) forward their details to the Collegium
b)      If you are in the media and are interested in our activities, please do email us.

email: architecture.collegium (at)

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Activity: Presentation & Article on the Bidding process/ Corruption

At the meeting, it was discussed how architects are awarded projects in India. The conversation started with how foreign architects/ firms in recent times have appeared to bypass the regular tender bid/ competition process.

However a deeper problem lies in the bidding process itself where the judging is based on financial quotes. Related problems include undercutting fees, going overtime/overbudget to make money, expecting cutbacks from contractors, bribing middlemen to secure projects etc. (The CWG games exemplified all of these problems)

The Central Vigilance Commission actually lists 8 different ways of awarding projects of which submitting financial bids is just one. It is worthwhile to study the other ways and make a proposal as to how this process can be changed or improves.

The presentation will be made at an open forum that will include all members of the AEC sector (Architecture Engineering Construction) especially Builders, Contractors & Real Estate Agents. It is believed that there needs to be a discussion & interaction on the issue between various members in the sector and not just limited to architects.

The view was expressed at the meeting of how architects can be perceived as living in their ‘ivory towers’ and how no suggestions about changing the profession will occur or be sustained unless other stake-holders are involved too.It is hoped that the related article will also be published in the mainstream media, or at the very least, in an architectural magazine.

How you can participate 
a)   Interested members are requested to email their thoughts on this topic to the Collegium, for possible inclusion in the final article

b)      Email the Collegium if you are interested in writing or collaborating on this article

Date of Presentation and Author/ Deadline for the article will be finalised at next meeting.

email: architecture.collegium (at)

Friday, 28 October 2011

Activity: Discussion on what constitutes an ‘Ethical’ Architectural practice in India

At the last meeting, the possibility was discussed of constituting a Guild or Architectural brand wherein all member professionals/ firms who participate agree to follow a charter of ethical principles. This can include issues like

a)      Undercutting fees to get projects
b)      Participation in corruption
c)      Addressing sustainability issues through design
d)      Managing health and safety issues on project sites etc.

As the ‘brand’ developed, clients & contractors would know when they approached a member firm - that they will be getting a certain quality of services. However before anything else, it is important to have a discussion as to what constitutes an ‘Ethical’ Architect or Practice. It will then be possible to make a list of issues that may be included in the charter.

How you can participate 
Email the Collegium the points that you think need to be discussed/ included if such a charter were to be made 

email: architecture.collegium (at)